Birthday in the    Indoor Pool

Because of COVID-19 it is not possible to held a birthday in the indoor pool at Kildeskovshallen. We will keep you updated here.

Birthday in the indoor swimmingpool.

What time can I have a birthday?

Birthdays can be held on Saturdays and Sundays in the period between 10-14 o´clock.


You can bring your own food, fruit and beverages on plastic bottles as well as disposable cutlery and crockery.
We arrange tables and chairs, tablecloths and flags. You need to clean up the things you bring yourself and leave it tidy.
Participants have access to the pools, on the same level as other guests in the indoor pool.


Price 450 kr. You pay when you book(The money will not be refunded on cancellation). In addition, day tickets are purchased as well. The tickets is giving access to all pools.

Termers on how many adults to supervise:

For a birthday with children under the age of 10 - must have 1 adult per 5th child.
For birthdays with children in the aged of 10 or older - must have 1 adult per 10th child.
Remember to book the birthday event at Kildeskovshallen's ticket office.

Number max. 30 persons
Because of the limited space, the total number of children and adults for a birthday event may not exceed 30 persons.

How to book? 

You can call them on 39 77 44 00 press 1. The telephone hours is within the opening hours and close 30 minutes before the pools closes.