Sports Facilities

Here you can find information about opening hours and prices for rental for the indoor sportsfacility.


The indoor sport facilities at Kildeskovshallen consist followed:

  • A great sports hall called Hal 1
  • A great hall only to gymnastics called Hal 2
  • Smaller hall for old school gymnastics called Gymnastik salen
  • A smaller hall with ping-pong and for other activities called Sal 1
  • A strengthening room called Sal 2,
  • A room for martial arts called Sal 3
  • A room for Circuit training or warming up called Graderoben(the Wardrobe).

You have the possibility to rent and book the halls and rooms in the facility if it is not occupied. It is possible the held a Children’s birthday in tow of the rooms read more the Birthday in the indoor facility.

Read more about birthdays in the indoor facilities.


Season 2021


Matches, cups and meeting facility’s for local Sport clubs

0 kr

  • Extra manpower pr. hour

465 kr

Practise and instruction, on Workdays between 8:00-15:00 pr. Hour – Sports hall

320 kr

Practise and instruction, on Workdays between 8:00-15:00 pr. Hour – Smaller gym hall

165 kr

Commercial rental per hour – Sports hall

640 kr

Commercial rental per hour – Smaller gym hall

320 kr

Public meetings rental for a day – Sports hall

8.750 kr

  • Extra manpower pr. hour


Commercial and private meetings rental for a day – Sports hall

16.500 kr

  • Extra manpower pr. hour

465 kr

Strength training, entrance fee deposit -

250 kr

Strength training season pass

270 kr.

Commercial photography pr. hour

830 kr

Commercial photography pr. hour – out of hour

1.970 kr

No-show fee

500 kr


General booking conditions:

Cancellation of reserved premises in the Kildeskovshallen must be done as early as possible. E-mail to Kildeskovshallen, but no later than 5 business days before the agreed time. If cancellation is later than 5 business days or in case of no-show, the rental fee will be charged. A minimum of charged will be 500 kr.

Cancellations and changes to bookings must been made at

The administration can also be contacted regarding questions, on phone 39774400 - press 4

Opening hours for the Sports facility

You can use the changing rooms 30 minutes before your booking. Please leave the change rooms 30 minutes after the time of closing, where to doors will be locked. 

In the period Tuesday the 10. August 2020 until Sunday the 20.september 2020:

Monday-Friday 8:00-22:00
Weekend 9:00-18:00

Closing days in the period

12.august 2020 

In the period Monday the 21. September 2020 until Sunday the 30. May 2021:

Monday-Friday 8:00-22:00
Weekend 9:00-19:00

Closing days in the period

Christmas and New Year: 21.-31. December and 1.-2. January.
Easter: Maundy Thursday 1. April until 2. Easter day 5. April. 
Great Prayer Day: 30. April.- 2. May
Christ's ascension: 13. May, 15.-16. May. Friday d. 14. May opening hours 8:00-18:00
Pentecost: 22.-24. May

In the period Monday the 31. May 2021 until Sunday the 20. June 2021:

Monday-Friday 8:00-22:00
Saturday 9:00-15:30
Sunday Closed

Closing days in that period

Grundlovsdag(Danish national day): 5. June open at 8:00-18:00.

In the period Monday the 21. June 2021 until Sunday the 8. August 2021:

Monday-Friday 8:00-18:00
Weekend Closed 

Other Holidays:

Great Prayer Day and the Saturday/Sunday after, Christ's ascension and the Friday/Saturday/Sunday after and the Saturday/Sunday/Monday around Pentecost is the facility closed, unless elite matches is held - see also Cancellations on the Facility on the front page.