In English
1) I forgot my things at the swimming pool
Swimwear, Goggles, and Other Items
If you have forgotten swimwear, goggles, towels, or anything else, you can check our two lost and found boxes by the 25-meter pool. The boxes are located at the top of the stands along the 25-meter pool at the end of each staircase. One box is for items forgotten in even weeks, while the other is for items forgotten in odd weeks – for good measure, always check both boxes. We keep forgotten items for up to 2 weeks, after which they are removed.
Shampoo and other toiletries are also available in small boxes next to the lost and found boxes and are stored according to the same principle.
Valuables such as watches and jewelry are kept at the ticket counter for 2 months. After this period, significant valuables are handed over to the North Zealand Police in Hillerød. We do our best to make it easy for you to find your forgotten items again.
2) I forgot my things in the sports halls or rooms, meeting rooms, or other areas outside the swimming pool area
Call the Hall Guard
All inquiries about forgotten items in halls and rooms should be directed to the Hall Guard at phone number 40 93 00 16.
Forgotten items are stored in our lost and found lockers located in various places in the sports section and are emptied every other week. After that, forgotten items are stored in our depot for 4 weeks.
1) I want to celebrate my birthday at the swimming pool
If you want to have a birthday party at the swimming pool, Kildeskovshallen offers this on weekends. Birthday parties can be held on Saturdays and Sundays from 10 AM to 2 PM. You can bring your own food, fruit, and drinks in plastic bottles/paper cups. We provide tables, chairs, tablecloths, and flags. You are responsible for cleaning up the items you bring. Participants have access to the pools just like other guests in the swimming pool.
It costs 450 DKK, which is paid upon booking (the money is non-refundable in case of cancellation). Additionally, entrance tickets are purchased on the day, which gives access to all pools.
Bookings for birthday parties in the swimming section must be made by phone to the Ticket Sales at Kildeskovshallen 39447700 – press 1 and 4.
- Due to limited space in Kildeskovshallen’s swimming section, the total number of children and adults for a birthday party must not exceed 30 people
- For birthday parties with children under 10 years old, there must be 1 adult per 5 children
- For birthday parties with children 10 years old or older, there must be 1 adult per 10 children
- Birthday parties cannot be booked in January and September
2) I want to celebrate my birthday in the ball and hall section
If you wish to hold a birthday party in our ball halls and rooms, Kildeskovshallen offers either our Gymnastics Hall or Hall 1 for this purpose on weekends. Birthdays can be held on Saturdays and Sundays from 10 AM to 2 PM. You can bring your own food, fruit, and drinks in plastic bottles/paper service. We provide the setup of tables, chairs, tablecloths, and flags. You are responsible for cleaning up the items you bring.
Gymnastics Hall
In the Gymnastics Hall, there is access to wall bars and equipment. It is possible to borrow hockey sticks, a net for one badminton court, and hula hoops. Footballs are not allowed - they must be foam balls or balls with a special soft surface.
The Gymnastics Hall is 20 meters long x 10 meters wide and 5.50 meters high.
If you wish to hold a birthday party in the Gymnastics Hall, it can be booked for this purpose on Fridays during normal opening hours and Sundays from 4 PM to 6 PM.
Hall 1
In Hall 1, it is possible to set up five table tennis tables. Additionally, ten table tennis bats and balls can be borrowed. The room can also be used for gymnastics, as there are mats available.
If you wish to hold a birthday party in Hall 1, it can be booked for this purpose on Fridays and Sundays during normal opening hours and Saturdays from 3 PM to 6 PM.
See our opening hours and closing days for Kildeskovshallen’s ball halls & rooms
You can bring your own food, fruit, and drinks in plastic bottles. The food can be eaten at entrance D, where there is a sofa group as well as chairs and a table. It is not allowed to bring food into the Gymnastics Hall or Hall 1, but plastic bottles are allowed.
It costs 320 DKK per hour per room.
Booking a birthday party in the Gymnastics Hall or Hall 1 must be done via email. Send an email with the desired date/time, room, etc. to kildeskovshallen@gentofte.dk
- You are responsible for cleaning up the items you bring and setting up the equipment you need. The hall must be left tidy
- Use of the Gymnastics Hall and Hall 1, including equipment and other inventory, is at your own risk
- Music systems for CD/USB/Cassette/Smartphone and computer can be used
- If you have special requests, ask the hall guard - we will do our best to fulfill your wishes
The hall guard can be reached at phone number 40930016.
Our policy on swim diapers & pants
Swimwear must fit snugly
To avoid closures of the baby pool due to accidents, swimwear MUST fit snugly around the waist and thighs to prevent any “accidents” from escaping. Likewise, swim diapers MUST be used - regular diapers are not allowed in the pool.
Approved swimwear for babies
- Swim trunks with a membrane, e.g., HAPPY NAPPY (does not require a swim diaper underneath) - available up to 2-3 years of age.
- Swim trunks without a membrane, e.g., Little Swimmers (requires a swim diaper underneath).
Need swim diapers or swim trunks for your baby?
At the Ticket Sales, we sell both HAPPY NAPPY and Little Swimmers.
Special rules for the weekend
Time limit of 30 minutes
Due to the high popularity of Kildeskovshallen’s baby pool, there is a 30-minute time limit for using the pool on weekends. To ensure the time limit is adhered to, everyone is admitted in groups. Every half hour, the entire pool is emptied to make room for the next group.
Reservation of time for the baby pool
To reserve a half-hour slot in the baby pool, you must physically show up and book a time at the ticket counter on the day itself. Ticket buyers will be given a token with the valid time, which must be handed to the lifeguard to gain access.
Please note that staff instructions must be followed at all times - failure to do so will result in expulsion.
- Kildeskovshallen is a smoke-free area.
- Persons under the influence of intoxicating substances or alcohol are not allowed access to the swimming pool or changing facilities.
- Persons suffering from contagious diseases of any kind are not allowed access to the swimming pool or changing facilities.
- Posting posters or similar is only allowed with prior permission from the management.
- It is not allowed to walk with shoes in the shower rooms and swimming pool. Guests who wish to enter must use overshoes or indoor shoes.
- We encourage polite and respectful communication with staff and other guests. Provocations or other unacceptable behavior may result in expulsion.
Changing Rooms
- The use of mobile phones, PCs, and tablets is not allowed in the changing and shower facilities.
- Children and babies must use the children’s section; common rooms A, B, and C in the men’s section and common rooms D, E, and F in the women’s section. Children are not allowed in the adult section.
- Adults without children are not allowed in the children’s section.
- Boys may use the girls’ section and girls may use the boys’ section up to the age of 6.
- Thorough washing of hair and body without swimwear must be done before entering the swimming pool, cold water pool, and sauna. Swim and shower caps can be used instead of washing hair.
- For hygienic reasons, a towel must be used to sit on in the sauna.
- Access to the pools is only allowed with a valid ticket/card.
- Lifeguards are on duty! Swimming is at your own risk.
- Thorough washing of hair and body without swimwear must be done before entering the swimming pool. Swim and shower caps can be used instead of washing hair.
- Children under 10 years must be constantly supervised by an adult (16 years+) when they are in the pools.
- The instructions for the use of the pools, as indicated by various signs, must be respected. Chewing gum is not allowed in the pools.
- Lane swimming underwater and diving in the diving pool are only allowed with prior agreement with the lifeguard. Special diving is only allowed in club settings. For safety reasons, it is not allowed to:
- Pollute the pools and the areas associated with them
- Dive headfirst in all pools
- Run, push, or hold others underwater
- Bring inappropriate objects for a swimming pool
- Balls and monofins may only be used for teaching
- Snorkels may only be used for swimming in the 50M pool
- The use of photo or video cameras is only allowed with permission from the lifeguard.
- Private business activities such as training guidance, physical treatments, sales, or other independent business are not allowed in Kildeskovshallen’s facilities unless the facilities are specifically booked for this purpose or written permission is obtained from Kildeskovshallen’s administration/management.
- This means that private business cannot be conducted on lanes and in pools with public access in the swimming pool.If you, as a public guest, wish to receive instruction, you can contact Gentofte Swimming Club or Kildeskov Swim, both of which are based in Kildeskovshallen.
- If you, as a private provider, wish to teach swimming or similar, lanes must be specifically booked for this purpose.
General Opening Hours
Our opening hours depend slightly on which pool you are interested in using.
Our 25-meter, 50-meter, diving, and baby pools (25M / 50M / Spring / Baby) follow the same opening hours - however, the baby pool is closed for 1.5 hours from Monday to Thursday.
Our children’s pool opens later and closes earlier than the other pools.
Our adult saunas follow the opening hours of the 25-meter, 50-meter, diving, and baby pools, while the children’s saunas follow the opening hours of the children’s pool.
Opening Hours During Holidays
During holidays, our general opening hours differ from the usual. Therefore, please check the opening hours for the following holidays under ‘Ferier & Helligdage’:
- Autumn Holiday (Efterårsferie)
- Christmas Holiday (Juleferie)
- Winter Holiday (Vinterferie)
- Easter Holiday (Påskeferie)
- May 1st (1. maj)
- Ascension Day (Kristi Himmelfart)
- Pentecost (Pinsen)
- Constitution Day (Grundlovsdag)
Different Ticket Prices
At Kildeskovshallen, ticket prices depend on whether you are:
- Baby/Child/Adult (Baby/Barn/Voksen)
- Citizens with disabilities (Borgere med handicap)
- Student/Pensioner (Studerende/Pensionist)
Baby Ticket (Babybillet)
A baby ticket grants access for one baby (0-1 year) and one adult (16+ years). It is a requirement from Kildeskovshallen that your baby must be under constant supervision by an adult (16+ years).
Child Ticket (Børnebillet)
A child ticket grants access for one child aged 2-15 years. It is a requirement at Kildeskovshallen that a child under 10 years must be under constant supervision by an adult (16+ years). If the supervising adult does not enter the water, it is possible for this person to purchase a companion ticket (ledsagerbillet).
Adult Ticket (Voksenbillet)
An adult ticket grants access for one adult (16+ years).
Citizens with Disabilities (Borgere med handicap)
A disability ticket grants access for one citizen with a disability - the price depends on whether you are a child with a disability (2-15 years) (Barn m. handicap), an adult with a disability (16+ years) (Voksen m. handicap), or a pensioner with a disability (Pensionist m. handicap). If the citizen requires a helper, they can receive a companion ticket or a companion 10-trip card for free, but a personal disability companion card must be presented.
Note! Disability tickets/cards ONLY work at entrance A, just as non-disability access tickets/cards ONLY work at entrance C (Main entrance).
Pensioner Ticket (Pensionistbillet)
A pensioner ticket grants access for one pensioner. To purchase this ticket, you must present valid documentation that you are a state, disability, early retirement, or Arne pensioner.
Student Ticket (Studerende)
A student ticket grants access for one student. To purchase this ticket, you must present a valid Danish student card.
Different Ticket Types
- Access Ticket (Adgangsbillet) - Serves as an entrance ticket to the swimming pool and can also be used for the lockers in the changing rooms.
- 10-Trip Card (10-turskort) - Note that our 10-trip card is set to be used only once per day - i.e., one check-in and one check-out.
- Monthly Pass (Månedskort) - Note that our monthly pass is set to be used only once per day - i.e., one check-in and one check-out.
- Annual Pass (Årskort) - Note that our annual pass is set to be used only once per day - i.e., one check-in and one check-out.
- 10 x Access Tickets (10 x adgangsbilletter) - Functions as a group ticket and is used to check multiple people in and out on the same day - unlike the 10-trip card, monthly pass, and annual pass.
- Summer Ticket (Sommerbillet) - A special ticket with a reduced price, valid only during the summer holidays and can only be purchased for children (2-15 years).
Lane and Pool Rental
It is possible to rent a lane or a pool at Kildeskovshallen’s swimming pool. The following lanes and pools are available for rent:
- 1 or more lanes in the 25-meter pool (25 M, pr. bane pr. time)
- 1 or more lanes in the 50-meter pool (50 M, pr. bane pr. time)
- The entire diving pool (Springbassin, pr. time)
- Half of the baby pool (Halvt børnebassin, pr. time)
- Half of the children’s pool (Halvt babybassin, pr. time)
All our prices are listed per hour per lane/pool, but more or less time is also possible.
If you are interested in renting a lane or a pool, please send an email to kildeskovshallen@gentofte.dk
General Booking Conditions
Cancellation of rented lanes and pools at Kildeskovshallen must be done as early as possible via email to Kildeskovshallen - but no later than 5 working days before the agreed time. For cancellations later than 5 working days or in case of no-show, the price for lane or pool rental plus a no-show fee (udeblivelsesgebyr) will be charged.